
Sleuthing CIP Process Solutions

investigationPhoto by Markus Winkler on Unsplash For years, my focus as a process engineer has been thin-cake filtration, cake washing and drying technologies. I am continually engaged by the people I work with and the ongoing need to find new process solutions to problems. There are…


Scaling Upwards & Onwards

labPhoto by Talha Hassan on Unsplash Technology is always changing. That is part of what makes our job and CPI process so interesting. Keeping up with new processes helps us to stay on our toes. The AICHE recently focused a special section on Scaling Up Bioenergy Technologies. Author David…


Filtering Forward

  Welcome to 2016; hope everyone had a safe, healthy and enjoyable New Year. Anyone who has been in the filter industry long enough knows that politics play a role in the directions taken in advancing technology. In February, Bloomberg examined the Obama administration’s…


Fireworks & Filtration. Happy 2016.

  fireworksPhoto by MIO ITO on Unsplash With 2015 drawing to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the year. The release of the first edition of my Solid-Liquid Filtration Practical Guide for Chemical Engineers prompted me to start this blog. So far, it’s been great. I’ve enjoyed…


The Engineer in the Wild

hikePhoto by Jake Melara on Unsplash Business Week recently featured an excellent feature detailing the tragedy of Kate Matrosova. But what does that have to do with filtration technology? Well, let's consider her story first. The 32-year-old trader with a love for adventure set out on an…