Does our company have to be in Charlotte to work with P&ID?
P&ID works with clients all over the world to reach their business objectives.

Can P&ID help us increase our sales?
With over 35+ years of experience, P&ID can provide sales training as well as sales and marketing strategies to drive sales.

Can P&ID help us to penetrate our target markets?
P&ID develops sales strategies and, most importantly, executes the strategies to meet your market objectives.

Can P&ID purchase equipment on our behalf?
Yes, P&ID has a very flexible business model and works with clients for new or used

We are looking to fill a Board Director position; can P&ID help?
Yes, Barry Perlmutter has served on several Boards and is well qualified to provide
strategic guidance and governance.

Can P&ID help us to update our marketing materials for the North American market?
P&ID is uniquely suited to update sales literature, technical white papers, presentation material, websites, blogs, sponsored content, case histories and other content.

Can P&ID help to develop relationships with other manufacturers to provide systems to the marketplace?
Yes, Barry Perlmutter has developed and negotiated partnerships, OEM and sole-source agreements for win-win approaches to achieve operational and economic benefits. User meetings, feedback loops, etc. are essential components of these agreements.

We have some out-of-the-box thinking for new marketing programs. How can P&ID help?
P&ID provides guidance on “structural break” marketing for new ideas, new programs and new approaches to help your clients. P&ID will have a new self-published e-book coming out in 2021 on this topic including marketplace innovations.

Can P&ID help to determine the optimum solid liquid separation technology?
With over 35+ years of experience with bag and cartridge filters, centrifuges, nutsche filters and filter-dryers, sand filters, activated carbon, hydrocyclones and other technologies P&ID can solve the most difficult applications. Experience includes batch and continuous operations, pressure and vacuum as well as high solids to clarification applications. Companies include Pall, Rosenmund, Guedu, Ferrum, Comber, Process Efficiency Products and BHS.

Can P&ID help us with our final product drying?
P&ID is experienced with pan dryers, paddle dryers, conical dryers and ribbon dryers. With partners, P&ID consults on spray drying and other applications.

What types of chemical processes is in the P&ID experience?
With our partners, processes include catalysts, zeolites, absorbents, specialty additives, fillers, alumina powders and similar processes.

Can P&ID help us with modeling and simulations?
With our partners, P&ID supports clients with adopting Advanced Manufacturing techniques, Process Modeling and Simulation, Digital Transformation, Techno-economical Evaluations, and Process Development and Optimization.

We are a startup organization looking to commercialize a process; can P&ID help?
Our team is ready to assist companies with emerging technologies consultation, tech-transfer, training, and regulatory advice. We provide diverse on-demand process simulation services on a variety of software platforms to help companies with customized modeling and solutions.

What other areas can P&ID help us?
With our partners, we provide clients with diverse and in-depth knowledge on Advanced Manufacturing techniques deployment. We assist companies by simulation-as-a-Service for Tech-transfer, scale-up or process intensification, and design space development with mechanistic and predictive simulations.

Can P&ID manage projects?
Yes, our team is well versed in critical path project management, financial oversight, capital projects, equipment sourcing, etc.

Can we outsource our solid-liquid separation needs to P&ID?
Yes, P&ID can handle all of your separation requirements as part of a project or as part of your engineering team. Outsourcing the separation work allows the entire project and organization to be more efficient.

What does yoga have to do with process and business development?
My yoga practice, which includes headstands, shoulder stands, tripod stands, etc. helps give me a break from non-stop work and travel. It also gives me an opportunity to take a breath and find the right path forward with intention. We are always pressured to perform, to innovate, to respond, to deliver, to compete…I bring the intentionality from my yoga practice to my work for P&ID too.

What is your interest in Innovation?
Loyal readers of my blog will know that I am always coming back to discussion of innovation and the innovation mindset. I’m fascinated by human ingenuity and the endless creative problem solving we can do. But I’m also intrigued by what we can learn from nature, too. I’ve talked about the octopus and have a blog coming up about orangutans.
To me, one key element of innovation success is taking risks . My curiosity about innovation and creativity is a constant reminder to me to step up to challenges and look at the world anew. I’m sure this mindset will bring great results to our partnership together.

How do you work with project teams?
Engineering these days requires agility. We’re not only reconfiguring processes, we also need to be flexible with time zones, languages, accents, engineering cultures and operating philosophies. We cannot always select the people on our projects and must work with various teams to be successful. In working with different project teams, I embrace the insights of McKinsey on successful agile teams. They suggests saying “yes, and..” Instead of “yes, but.” It’s not about avoiding conflict or blindly agreeing without any thinking. It’s about testing ideas while being open to feedback.