Revex Technologies and P&ID Partner for Battery Recycling

My interest and expertise in lithium-ion batteries and battery recycling continues to grow. Earlier this year, P&ID partnered with Revex Technologies to engineer a full-scale lithium-ion battery recycling facility for production scrap, end-of-life (EOL) batteries and small-format…

Houston: We Have a Short Course on Process Solutions

Planning to attend the Powder & Bulk Solids Conference in Houston next month? It's a great opportunity to connect with technical experts and engineers in the bulk materials and processing industry. I'll be presenting a short course on selecting process solutions. I hope…

Solid-Liquid Separation for Process Applications P&ID is an idea development company in action.

Decision Matrix for Solid-Liquid Separation Selection

        Photo by Maayan Nemanov on Unsplash In solid-liquid separation selection there is no “one size fits all” process solution. I began this blog back in 2015 saying, with a nod to Sherlock Holmes, we have to avoid “jumping to conclusions.” That’s because…

Shipping Solid-Liquid Separation Equipment Across Oceans

Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash It’s summertime, and it’s a chance to look out over the beach at the ocean. While this is calming, I find it also takes me back to my interest in sea freight. I’ve been involved with shipping large and heavy solid-liquid separation equipment as…