Electrolytes for Battery Manufacture

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash Just like humans need electrolytes in our bodies, electrolytes are critical to the battery’s power, lifetime, speed of charging and cost. We can go to Gatorade for an electrolyte boost, but what is done with electrolytes for battery manufacture? That’s what…

Selecting and Troubleshooting Dryers for Solids Process Engineering   

  Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash The drying process is fundamental in solids process engineering. The term “drying” usually refers to the thermal removal of a liquid from a solid product. The mechanical solid-liquid separation process is not considered as “drying,”…

A fresh take on industry videos

We’ve all seen those industry videos about equipment.  Look our machine does this!  Look our filter does that!  But demonstrating on camera…

Safely Decommission and Decontaminate Plants

https://perlmutterideadevelopment.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/PID-Minute-Safely-Decommission_Compressed.mp4 Industry Focus

International Battery Seminar - Engineering Strategy for Design and Scale-Up of a Recycling Process

I’m going to say it, I’m energized by the thought of participating in the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit in Orlando, Florida, next month. In 2023, more than 2,100 battery technologists attended. This year’s March event is expected to be even larger, with many speakers from around the…