With 2015 drawing to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the year. The release of the first edition of my Solid-Liquid Filtration Practical Guide for Chemical Engineers prompted me to start this blog.
So far, it’s been great. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to expand on my belief that good solid-liquid filtration process engineers proceed with caution and test, test, test.
I’ve opined about the need for consistent filtration ratings, advised against being blinded by the appeal of an idea simply because it’s new, and discussed the need for solid thinking before scaling up.
At the same time, I’ve enjoyed sharing with you examples of the importance of creativity in our industry. I’ve also mentioned Sherlock Holmes’ methodologies once or twice (OK, maybe more than that) in examining choices in equipment selection and touting my own practical guide to Solid-Liquid Filtration.
Plus I’ve been able to write about some insights gathered from my trips around the country and internationally to learn and share research from my role as President and Managing Director of BHS-Sonthofen Inc., a subsidiary of BHS-Sonthofen GmbH.
In Bahrain I leaned about non-conventional approaches and the importance of looking behind the data. In Germany, I sampled the Weisswurst while exhibiting a new Rotary Pressure Filter design. While in Singapore I presented and gained greater understanding of the LNG market.
I also hope you’ve had some fun, as I have had, with posts about engineering pranks or soliciting your opinions for a “Rock Stars of Filtration” list.
I’ve already started thinking with excitement about 2016’s blog posts. Yet I invite you to make suggestions! In fact, I’d welcome guest blogger contributions. Please let me know what interests you. I’d be happy to discuss it further.