Lithium Ion Battery Materials and Solid-liquid Separation Safety

In the many lithium ion battery (LIB) plants that I have visited, one critical area of concern is solid-liquid separation safety in manual operations.  After all, a LIB is, in reality, a small chemical plant.  The detailed structure is as follows: Figure 1.  Structure diagrams…

Perspective on Process Guarantees

process guaranteesGuarantee by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Any of us in the engineering business solving process filtration and drying problems are familiar with process guarantees. While any supplier is pinning their reputation on their product, customers still often want the reassurance of a process…

Battery Technology: Speaking at the International Seminar

Photo by Vardan Papikyan on Unsplash Need more convincing that battery technology is a growing field? This week the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit takes place in Orlando, Florida. In 2022, more than 1,500 battery technologists attended. This year, the event is expected to be…

Geothermal Circular Economy and Icelandic Gin

IcelandImage source: mtch3l “Cheers!” or as the people of Iceland say it, Skál (pronounced “sk owl”). Let’s salute another circular economy blog with a twist of liquor in it! This one looks at the geothermal circular economy and Icelandic gin. Loyal readers may remember by blog about  the Beer…

Lithium and EV Batteries & P&ID Problem Solving

batteries chargingImage source: Worldwide decarbonization goals and the global aim for a sustainable future have prompted exponential growth in the Electric Vehicle (EV) sector in the last few years. This, in turn, has caused an increase in demand for lithium-ion batteries. Lithium, which…