Clarifying Process Liquids: New Approaches for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Image Source: IFN
How can the process engineer successfully automate the clarification processes to improve filtration while minimizing operator exposure? Over my career in solid-liquid separation, I've seen many examples of process engineers struggling with clarifying process liquids. In one resin…
Systems Integration Design & Gated Process Development
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash
Recently I have enjoyed a rich collaboration Circular Economy and Closing the Loop in Case Studies with Professor Ugur Tuzun of the University of Cambridge on the important topic of process systems and the circular economy. Our latest article,…
Process Engineering Partnership Provides a Holistic Approach to Operations
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Process engineering cannot succeed in a silo. As I often say, it’s best to take a holistic view of process operations. To that end, I’m pleased to announce my new collaboration with Procegence. Let me tell you more about our…
Circular Economy and Closing the Loop in Case Studies
Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash
Recently I blogged about how to address Circular Economy considerations in engineering and applied science settings and how companies too can learn to adapt. It is fast becoming a necessity as industry recognizes the criticality of a holistic…
Teaching & Learning in the Circular Economy
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
Since the industrial revolution there have been waves of technology and innovation. We all remember the movie “The Graduate” and that technology wave told to Dustin Hoffman in one word: PLASTICS. The next wave came along in the chemical/petrochemical and…