Selecting the Right Types of Filtration for Solid-Liquid Separation

Photo by Picturepest on / CC BY Filtration selection, if we think back to Sherlock Holmes, means “not jumping to conclusions.”  There is no “one size fits all” process solution.  Selecting a filtration technology requires a systems approach incorporated with other solids processing such as reactors, dryers, solids handling, etc.  You could gain an objective overview by filling out…

Chemical Process Optimization needs Out of the Box Thinking

Photo by Ra Dragon on Unsplash Loyal readers of this blog know how much I value innovation and creativity. So, you can't be surprised that I want to share with you a chemical process optimization success story. We partnered with a client to develop an optimized filtration process for a zinc oxide product. As discussed in a coauthored article for Chemical Processing, Madison Industries…

Weighing Alternative API Filtration Technologies

Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash Being a process engineer is all about making choices. When it comes API filtration technologies, many different types of equipment can be used for removing catalyst residues. While conventional filtration equipment is operated manually, I recently worked with PharmTech on an article outlining how both candle filters and pressure plate filters are operated…

Removing Catalyst Fines From Raney Nickel Catalyst Reactions

Photo by Ümit Yıldırım on Unsplash Whether you call it Raney nickel or Raney mud, this alloy of aluminum and nickel is a reagent common to many organic processes. Currently, most Raney nickel catalyst slurries are clarified with the use of manual plate or nutsche filters, bag filters, or cartridge filters. Yet any of these approaches require manual operations for cake discharge and…

Novel Filtration Technologies for Pharmaceutical Hydrogenation

  Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash When it comes to removing catalyst fines from pharmaceutical hydrogenation reactions, BHS Filtration has come up with a novel approach. Currently, most hydrogenation slurries are clarified with the use of manual plate or nutsche filters, bag filters, or cartridge filters. All of these require manual operations for cake discharge…